Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai: a StarPlus hit show produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions, continues to captivate audiences with its thrilling storylines and unexpected twists. The lead roles, portrayed by Samridhii Shukla, Rohit Purohit, Garvita Sadhwani, and Romiit Raaj, bring life to the drama that unfolds. Here’s an exclusive update from the latest episode aired on December 9, 2024.
Abhira Takes a Bold Step
In a heart-pounding sequence, Abhira (Samridhii Shukla) escapes with Daksh in an auto, driven by an emotional connection she believes only a mother can have. As she pours out her feelings, Ruhi catches wind of the situation and is enraged. Confronting Armaan (Rohit Purohit), she threatens to have Abhira arrested for kidnapping her child.
Shocking Revelations Unfold
The episode begins with Abhir revealing a bombshell – he hands Daksh to Ruhi, claiming she is Daksh’s real mother. Abhira vehemently denies the claim, asserting her motherhood. The tension escalates when Abhir demands Armaan to confirm the truth. Armaan’s silence is deafening until a nurse steps forward, accusing him of deceit and manipulation.
When Abhira presses Armaan further, he reluctantly admits to the nurse’s allegations. This revelation leaves Abhira shattered, and in a moment of fury, she slaps Armaan. Ruhi takes Daksh from Abhira, declaring her rightful place as his mother. The temple witnesses an emotional storm as Ruhi asks everyone to choose sides, continuing with the ceremonial ‘Jaat Karam’ rituals despite the turmoil.
Tempers Flare and Hearts Break
Outside the temple, emotions run high. Armaan tries to console Abhira, but his efforts are futile. Ruhi labels Abhira as an ‘Abshagun,’ leading to further unrest. Overwhelmed by the confrontation, Abhira collapses.
Her condition alarms everyone, and Manish warns Armaan to stay away from her. Abhir also confronts Armaan, and the family is left in a state of despair. Kaveri’s anger boils over, resulting in her slapping Armaan for his actions.
What’s Next for Abhira and Armaan?
The drama intensifies as Abhira’s world is turned upside down. With trust broken and emotions running high, the show promises more gripping twists in the coming episodes.
Stay tuned for the latest updates on Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai as it continues to deliver heartfelt moments and unexpected surprises.
Surendra Bareth is a versatile actor and assistant director with a Bachelor’s degree from Guru Ghasidas University. He has made remarkable contributions to Hindi and Chhattisgarhi cinema, as well as television, excelling in both acting and direction.
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